Signs Of Feline Dental Disease And When To Seek Out Cat Oral Surgery

Christine Hawke

Dental issues in our feline companions often remain unnoticed until they become serious problems. Cats are masters at hiding discomfort, and unfortunately, this means their oral health can deteriorate without us ever knowing it. As devoted pet owners, it’s crucial to recognise the signs of dental issues and know when to seek professional help. At Sydney Pet Dentistry we do a LOT of cat oral surgery.

The Silent Pain Of Dental Disease

Imagine enduring persistent toothaches and oral pain without the ability to communicate your discomfort. This is the reality for many cats suffering from dental disease. Unlike humans, cats can’t verbalise their pain, leading them to silently endure discomfort. To be proactive in your cats’ oral health, look for the signs below. 

Signs Of Feline Dental Issues

Recognising the signs of dental problems in cats can be challenging, but there are subtle clues to watch for:

  1. Bad Breath: Ongoing bad breath can indicate dental issues, such as periodontal disease or tooth decay.
  2. Fussy Mealtimes: If your cat is experiencing pain while eating, they may avoid certain foods (such as dry food). The way they chew can sometimes change. 
  3. Drooling: Excessive drooling can be a sign of oral discomfort and should be investigated.
  4. Visible Changes: Look for swollen gums, discoloured teeth, or any abnormalities in your cat’s mouth. Note that a cat with a sore mouth won’t want you looking inside it, so any visible changes should be checked by a veterinarian.

When To Seek Out Cat Oral Surgery

Despite our best efforts, some dental issues may require surgical intervention. Here are some common indications that your cat may need oral surgery:

  1. Periodontal Disease: Periodontal (gum) disease can lead to bone loss and tissue damage, requiring surgical intervention to restore oral health.
  2. Severe Gum Inflammation: Cats commonly suffer from an immune disease which shows as extremely red and sore gums. 
  3. Oral Tumours: Suspicious growths or tumours in the mouth may require biopsy or surgical removal for diagnosis and treatment.

Choose Sydney Pet Dentistry

At Sydney Pet Dentistry, we understand the unique benefits that good oral health can provide to our feline patients. Our team of experienced veterinarians are proficient in cat oral surgery and dental care, ensuring your beloved companion receives the highest quality treatment. With state-of-the-art facilities and a compassionate approach, we strive to improve the oral health and overall well-being of every cat in our care.

If you suspect dental issues or are concerned about your cat’s oral health, cat oral surgery from Sydney Pet Dentistry can offer treatment or a second opinion from your regular vet. Schedule a consultation with us today.

Christine Hawke

Christine has been a vet since 1993, graduating with First Class Honours and the University Medal from the University of Sydney. After several years in small animal general practice (in both Australia and the UK) she went back to study and was awarded her PhD in immunogenetics in 2004.

Healthy Pets

Every Pet Deserves A Healthy, Pain-Free Mouth