How to Email Radiographs From PACs Servers

You can save time with your referrals by sending us your radiographs directly from your PACs. Here are instructions for the common PACs servers.


  1. Search for the patient in the search bar (patient ID, patient name, owner name)
  2. Click on the correct patient’s name with the corresponding date in the list.
  3. Click on the Email button.
  4. Type in our email –
  5. Select the ‘Notify me when images are retrieved’ option which will send you and email when we view the images.
  6. Type in your email message in the large text box.
  7. Click on the Send Email button.


  1. Search for the patient in the search section (patient ID, patient name, owner name)
  2. Select the correct patient with the corresponding date in the list.
  3. Click on the ‘envelope button’ at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Type in our email
  5. Select the ‘Include Download Link’ option.
  6. Make sure ‘Select all jpegs’ option is selected.
  7. Click on the Send Email button.

Idexx WebPACS

  1. Search for the patient in the search section (patient ID, patient name, owner name).
  2. Select the study corresponding to the correct date and click on the share button.
  3. Select the ‘Share any this study’, this will open a new window.
  4. Type in our email
  5. Select the ‘JPEG attachment’ option.
  6. Click on the Send button.
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